Friday, August 01, 2008

Happy Holiday!!!

The last class for the 1st half of the semester ends this morning. Everyone is happy bcoz next week is the mid-semester break. Something that never happened in my life before. Take one week break in the middle of the semester!.
But the funny policy here is you have to find substitute (someone to replace you) before you submit your leave form online even though the leave days fall during the semester break. Logically, who want to replace you during semester break? since everyone is going to take leave. So, last week was the week where everybody looking for the substitute. Unlucky me because I do not know a lot of people in my faculty.. thats the price of being so quiet. (I'm the kind of person who do not know how to approach people).. and my roommate kak ayu has to take leave as well since her maid has to go back to Kalimantan.
However... lucky me bcoz I know this person since I was debating with IIU. He is my associate dean right now. He agreed to be my substitute and i'm going to leave Malacca for a week!!! Yahoo!!! TQ Mr. Abdullah.. I keep thinking about the policy.. there will be no students looking for you in the office but your substitute has to be around to represent you. What for? In the flexible hours working environment like this.. I believe that the substitute name named in the form is only a formality.. what to do... like what malays always say - Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung.. Happy holiday...



selamat bercuti ...ingat-ingat la kami yg tak cuti kat IIC ni ...hehehehe

Anonymous said...

bila nak kawin?

z'kea m.s said...

amboi soalan... siapala anonymous ni.. Sampai masanya nanti.. kahwinla saya...silala bg nama dan alamat, boleh saya hantar kad nanti.

Anonymous said...

hantar kad pd sy?
dah ada tunang la tu.
sampai masa tu bila?
tunang nak lambat ke?
jgn lewat2 sgt. bahaya.
klu lmbat2 sgt.
sy ada..

Anonymous said...

Hepi holiday (even terlmbat wish) soniokkan dpt holiday...kira qadho le kiah masa kat IIc. Holiday tu la yg tercogok kat UIA tapi tak kabo aku ek!

z'kea m.s said...

Jangan mare ler cik dinn... penat dah aku explain kat ko.. asyik nak marah aku jer.. Pasni aku takmo dah bawak udang untuk ko.. Ko nak udang.. ko dtg rumah aku tangkap sendiri dalam parit. hehehe...